Friday, 15 February 2008

Skoda Jokes- skoda crash

Hello skoda joke lovers!
I recently noticed that one of my personal favourite viral videos on youtube featured a skoda as the starring role. Now i dont know whether this makes the skoda look bad or teh skoda driver but all i know is it's one of the best skoda jokes out there. Worth pointing out the sexist thrust of the title isn't shared by this site.

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Our Disclaimer

For the benefit of skoda drivers we have to declare the following:
These jokes aren't to be taken seriously as if you are a skoda driver you have bought a very ... umm... practical car. These jokes represent the old skoda and by no way the new improved version of our favorite brand.

We also want to hear about your skoda. Take the opportunity to tell us how great your skoda is and then we can put it in the ever bigger skoda joke section.